by HW Theron Attorneys | Mar 21, 2014 | Uncategorized
PASOP VIR HUISKOOP MET ‘N PRO FORMA KONTRAK by Hennie Theron Jy het ‘n ongelooflike goeie aanbod op jou huis ontvang en baie tevrede teken jy as verkoper die koopkontrak wat jou eiendomsagent opgestel het en waarop die koper se handtekening reeds pronk. Dankie tog die...
by HW Theron Attorneys | Dec 3, 2013 | Fit Row
Today’s consumer is not afraid of credit and consumer practices of borrowing more to pay off credit debt are quite common. To address this, the National Credit Regulator (“NCR”) has proceeded to amend the National Credit Act 34 of 2005 (“NCA”) to address the habits of...